UCM Clothing Drive Help for the Homeless
We should never forget that the poor are always with us always. Thanks to Sue and Reverend Jim Campbell who run the Resource Outreach Prayer Empowerment (ROPE) Center in Hudson, we received 200 free much needed blankets that we used to help our homeless neighbors be prepared for the cool weather we having been experiencing. We thank God for people like the Campbells who are willing to share their resources with others in the community.

As you know, it is your contributions to UCM which make it possible for us to provide help to those in need. We are still in need of NEW or SLIGHTLY USED COATS to support the homeless in our area. We would greatly appreciate your praying and asking God what He would have you to do to help UCM provide food, shelter, clothing and other needed services to the poor. Please call the UCM Office at 813-935 -8400 for pickup or directions to the drop off location.